“Brethren, giving all dilligence, add to your faith
virtue [steadfastness]; and to virtue knowl-
edge; and to knowledge temperance [self-
control]; and to temperance patience;
and to patience godliness; and
to godliness brotherly kind-
ness; and to brotherly
kindness LOVE.
For if these things be in you
and abound,
they shall make you
that you shall neither be
barren nor unfruitful in the
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
—2 Pet. 1 : 5-8.—

Profitable Daily Tithing.
“Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will
not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a
blessing, that there shall not be room enough to contain
it.”—Malachi 3:10.
If Christians allow the rush and crush of selfish ambition
to deprive them of their daily portion of heavenly food, they
must not be surprised if they grow spiritually leaner day by
day and if “the peace of God” gives place in their hearts to
the discontent which is growing in the world, notwithstanding
the multiplication of our comforts and privileges. Let us re-
member the exhortation, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and he shall direct thy paths.”—Proverbs 3:6.
Our first edition of “Manna” 20,000, met with far better
success than we had dared hope for; and we have been greatly
encouraged by the kind words of its many friends far and near.
Some call it their “Heavenly Breakfast Food” and tell that
they feast upon its lessons as regularly as the sun rises. Surely
the little tithe of time daily spent in partaking of its morsels of
heavenly counsel cannot fail to profit all who partake. The
day opened with such meditations is sure to be the better spent
and more profitable. The heart thus turned to holy thoughts
is much less likely to go aside from right paths than otherwise.
“The wisdom that cometh from above,” is thus gradually and
easily assimilable and cannot fail to bear some good fruit in the
hearts of the saints, and to awaken reverence in the worldly.
Every Christian who sees this book is sure to be interested
and to want a copy for his own breakfast table. And as it is
published, not for profit but to do good, we have put the price
so low as to bring it within the reach of all. We do our friends
and neighbours a valuable service when we call the “Manna”
to their attention and assure them that it is merely Christian
—not denominational. Some use them as birthday presents
and holiday gifts: others anxious to extend their good influ-
ence, purchase them by the quantity and sell them at a slight
advance to cover their time and car fare. All are welcome to
engage in this service of love to the extent of their opportunity
and ability.
In this edition we have added the Autograph and Birthday
record feature. This necessitated our printing the book on
Bond writing paper at a considerable increase in the cost of
production. To see the autographs of our friends daily is a
pleasure and to be reminded of their birthday is a great
The book will last a life-time, and can be used year after
year, for the sacred message never grows old, but is line upon
line, precept upon precept.
Your Brother and servant,
Extract from Daily Heavenly Manna, 1905